D. Littlehale & Associates, Inc.

~ Your Computer System Specialist ~


About Us


Zack at Work

Friends & Family

Favorite Sites

Zack keeps watch

Zack helps us file

He is always ready to help find a customers problem

Zack checks out the motherboard

Ah-Ha, There's your problem!

And is satisfied with a job well-done, of course you may need a new mouse

Our Other Cat: Carriemel Sundae

Carriemel doesn't know anything about computers.

We are sad to report that Zack passed away Friday November 25th, 2011.
We are sad to report that Carriemel Sundae passed away Friday December 20th, 2013
Both are greatly missed.

Contact us: dla85@dlittlehale.com

Phone: 508-336-4354

Emergency Cell: 508-336-4354

D. Littlehale & Associates Inc.
126 Providence Street
Rehoboth, MA 02769